Before an attentive global audience, famed comedian Chris Rock simultaneously shocked Whites and angered Blacks by airing a portion of Black America’s “dirty laundry” before “mixed company.” According to Rock,

There is a Civil War going on within Black America between Black folk and niggas. And niggas have got to go!!!!!!!

Unbeknownst to Whites, Blacks regularly discuss this risqué topic in the privacy of their homes, barbershops, during Black-only happy hour gatherings and church meetings.

An attentive listener would realize that Rock’s riveting commentary touched on only one of the many “Civil Wars” occurring within Black America. Politically astute Blacks can attest to the fact that at any given moment there are many “Civil Wars” occurring within a non-monolithic Black community. This understanding of the never-ending in-fighting within Black America makes the recent attack of Oprah Winfrey by rapper 50 Cent understandable.

In case you missed it, 50 Cent took the famed talk show host to task for inconsistencies in her #MeToo activism.

From the hip-hop icon’s perspective, Oprah has chosen to attack Black men such as Michael Jackson and Russell Simmons while remaining quiet as a mouse regarding White men deserving of her attention.

According to 50 Cent,

I don’t understand why Oprah is going after black men. No Harvey Weinstein, No Epstein, just Michael Jackson and Russell Simmons this … is sad.

If nothing else, this matter provides insight into how many Black men view the duties of “their sisters” as they seek to navigate this White Man’s world.

The alluded to men harbor a dogged belief that at their best, Black women serve as “helpmeets” whose sole purpose is to aid them along this path called life. These women sacrifice themselves for the good of the Race without any expectation of reciprocity. Although such demands may appear selfish, the truth of the matter is that the alluded to self-centeredness is informed by a historical record rife with Black mothers, grandmothers, girlfriends, aunts, daughters, and acquaintances effortlessly sacrificing lives and muting hopes and dreams for the men that they adore.

Make no mistake about it, when Whites attack Black men, there is a natural expectation that Black women will rush to the front of the line to defend Black men. Ironically, the above expectations are not lessened when Black women are the victims of some Black male’s brazen attack. For far too long, Black men have taken it as a given that Race trumps gender in the minds of Black women. Far too often, Black women have served as a willing sacrificial lamb to be slaughtered at opportune moments for the benefit of all others.

Although frightening, it is nevertheless true that many Black men mirror 50 Cent’s thoughts in believing that Black women are little more than a tool to be used to advance personal political agendas. Behind closed doors, it is not considered boorish for Black men to demand that Black women settle into a depressing intellectual slum that promotes Black male interests while muting the concerns and interests of Black women.

One needs to look no further than 50 Cent’s commentary to understand that many Blacks consider Oprah Winfrey a traitor to the Race. Such thinking beckons Black America to a time where racial solidarity was essential to survival. Unfortunately for those harboring such thoughts, many Black women have vacated “their place” and take definitive steps toward advancing an agenda centered on “Black women issues”; interests that may not benefit Black men directly.

There may be no clearer sign that many Black men are participating in a Civil War against Black women such as Oprah Winfrey who seek to take Black men to task for their actions against their “sisters”. Unfortunately, it does not appear that there are many Black men interested in aiding Black women as they seek to ascend out of a marginalized position that has historically been so marginal that Malcolm X termed them “the most disrespected person on the planet.” Even the most optimistic among us must concede that far too many Black men appear to have at best a loose alliance and fleeting interest in the plight of Black women.

And in the words of 50 Cent, “that is … sad.”

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture, 2019.   


  1. 50cent is right! that’s it! oprah made an MJ movie for people who were proven liars in court! she has no defense and this has nothing to do with black men and progressive black women. you need to get out more. there’s a resumption in the media trending toward the demonization of black people and black men especially. 50cent is in no way a representation of a significant demographic of black men. not in the slightest.

    1. On the one hand you say that 50 is correct in his criticism. Yet, you say that he doesn’t represent Black men. So are you saying that the majority of Black men are incorrect in their view of this matter. Many of the women that I spoke with about this matter are clear that they are not wedded to “antiquated” structures that call for them to place “Race” as the only portion of their political agenda. At least, that is what they told me the last time I was “out”.

  2. Charity begins at home. Oprah’s responsibility should be to her own community. Harvey Weinstein is not a part of our community. I would prefer she use her soapbox in support of black women. I didn’t hear this dude say she was wrong about Jackson and Simmons.

    1. Brother McCants, that is an astute observation. Maybe, just maybe, Oprah has taken the posture of “not my child” and chosen to deal with what is occurring within her house. Could it be that Black America has been so harmed by White world supremacy that we will defend our own regardless of their actions and guilt.

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