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I just don’t understand why white people felt like black people doesn’t deserve to have the same rights as them. Why is it some bad for black people to have an education while working? They always try to knock black people down but when blacks stick together as one they will always win.
The video fight Back is about de segregation. Whites did not want black children and young adults to attend their schools. The 14th amendment mad it illegal for segregation in public schools. Blacks had to be escorted by National Guards in school. I noticed one of the schools was Central High School.
The way white people act towards black people is so disturbing. They treat us like scum on the bottom of their shoes. Really, they wish they could be us, they know that we are way better at things than they are that’s why they hate us so much. I love my race and wouldn’t want to be any other race because we are strong African Americans and deserve and have the right to do anything than a white person does!
White people have always viewed African Americans as a threat to them. For years, they have thought they were better than us and did not want to see us being more successful than they were. It baffles me to see that they really thought they were more worthy to receive an education than we were.
This film really opened my eyes to where we started and where we are now. the progress is just wonderful and to be able to look at our past and reflect that upon our future is just wonderful. back then it was so hard to just be a black person in America. It’s like they was so scared of us being successful but you know why because we take over everything we taking over sports and soon we will take over the business world. With them denying Black folks an education just because they are not white. Is total bs, and they called the whole national guard for that.
Seeing how upset they were is no surprise to me, years prior they wouldn’t even allow African Americans to read a book. So I could just imagine how this would go. They would do everything in their power to stop us from gaining anything in this country but little by little we get more and more. I truly believe this generation will change a lot of the things going on in this country.
I agree it was heartbreaking knowing african americans couldn’t even do such a simple thing as reading a book. White people wanted all the power and to be above african americans. Having power made white people happy. Seeing black people not succeed satisfied them.I believe white people were scared of competition, feeling like they have to compete with a black person. I do think his the society is now things will change.
In Little Rock the families that had to go through such trouble for their kids to be in school is sad. I am completely proud that black parents nor students did not give up on integration. I just can’t wrap my mind around the fact the governor actions played a significate part. That white people was coming from every where to stand for not allowing James M in. It honestly shouldn’t have taking all of that for one person. Who just wants a better education, even some of the students was placing the blame on there parents. In history as we know it all it takes is one person to step up and make a difference.
Wow they really didn’t want us to get an education. Like they were scared of us because they knew if we were to gain an education then we would be on they head with some pressure. Like how can you have so much hatred in your heart for not to let black people get an education
The students and their families involved in Little Rock are very powerful figures in the fight for racial equality in the U.S. The way they were treated was awful and completely unfair, but they went for it because knew what was right. I am thankful for their strong will and ability to take on so much hate to progress the school systems integration. The interviews with white students were telling as they recognized that the problem was more with their parents and not them, while also saying that their was absolutely no need for the violence that took place in their community. That is not to say that everything inside the school was just fine as seen by having to assign a soldier to each African American student.
It’s so upsetting to see that whites didn’t want us to have an education. Everyone deserves to have a education but white people just feel like they are entitled to everything. They are so intimidated by us that every time we try to take a step up they try to knock us down and fight back.
I feel that this video is about whites not wanting blacks to be as smart as them because they know that we have more capabilities than them and they feel as if we get more knowledge on things that we’re not going to tolerate it and we will react. So what better way than to keep out of competition with us than to make it hard for black to get an education.
They are intimidated by us, which is why they go so far out their way to keep us down. With our strength, power and unity as a race we would surpass them expeditiously.
I agree they always try to knock us down. With unity and strength you can never keep us down. We will always come out on top!
It amazes me that white people felt that blacks didn’t deserve the same education as them. They put themselves on a throne when in reality they were the same as us. African americans were brave putting themselves in a very dangerous situation going to school with white people receiving so much hatred.
This film really opened my eyes to where we started and where we are now. the progress is just wonderful and to be able to look at our past and reflect that upon our future is just wonderful. back then it was so hard to just be a black person in america.
I agree that blacks needed a chance and deserve an education just like whites. I went to school with a lot of whites and to see how far times have changed is good. I don’t like how they needed the National Guard to surround a school to try to prevent innocent children from learning. The 8 out of 9 students who were hand picked were turned away. They started to shut down schools in different states, even after these actions were ruled unconstitutional. The way whites reacted to black children trying to further their education upsets me.
First I would like to say the progress we have made since the Central High school case is immense. This film also portrayed the spewing hate white people had for black people. And for what reason? We deserved an education just as much as any white person. This film also showed the trails and tribulations in which black people took to fight for a better education, when we should have had it all along. I also saw how much white southerners oushed for integration.
It’s ridiculous that whites can believe that blacks are less than them and don’t deserve the same type of education as them. It’ s sad that blacks has to get escorted to and from school just to get an education. How can they even focus on school and gaining knowledge when you’re getting hatred thrown at you all day. It takes a lot of heart and determination to go to schools to get an education along side white people.
Integration is not a new subject to but it’s crazy that when this law was passed white people did whatever they could to desegregate.Because their satisfaction was not met they decided to protest , cause riots and have angry mobs. A girl was suspended from and college because of her race and A black man was hit in the head because of the color of his skin. It’s also disturbing that when the kids did get a chance to go to school with the whites they were bullied and had to be followed by troop. Their constitutions rights were not being met. In the video intelligent black kid was denied education because of what they look like is ridiculous.
Being black back in this time was dangerous getting and education alone was unheard of to do. Now that we were being put in school with the whites was a fight in its own. Having to temporarily suspended for your own safety and have to put your education on hold because someone thinks your less then them and are not worthy of it don’t know how to treat you like a human being.
After watching the video it’s crazy how us African American had so much hatred against us from whites. A young black girl was admitted to University of Alabama which was an all white school they had to suspend Lucy temporarily for her own protection. Like how can you stop someone from going to school because of their skin complexion an education is an education she deserved to win her case. Blacks were very successful and i felt as that’s why they were intimidated.
How can you deny African Americans from going into school because of the color of their skin ! That really get my blood boiling to see how they used to treat us like they really hated us for what ? It’s like they was so scared of us being successful but you know why because we take over everything we taking over sports and soon we will take over the business world!
Yeah I agree, I definitely think that white people were intimidated because were inventers, creators, masterminds in our own right. And they could not stand to see us strive for greatness.
What caught my attention was that I didn’t know the origin of the “I’m so Glad I go PVU” had such a strong ethical notion or rather predecessor. This is news to me honestly, although my mother probably knew of this and it never came across. Also what caught my eye was there were people who genuinely were concerned and confused about the treatment of Blacks at this time and they were the younger ones. It’s good to see that not everyone was corrupted by the wave of hate during these times. This was very informative.
this video was interesting what stood out to me was the beginning, a young girl bravely walked to central high school by herself with a angry group of white folks. Blacks couldn’t get their education because of the color of their skin which is sick this kind of reminded me of the ruby bridges story. it is so crazy to me how blacks intimidate white people. everyone should be allowed to an education not just white folks
Education for all is the dream! I concour
the whole central high school scene infuriated me. just because the kids wasn’t white they wasn’t allowed into the school ? seriously ? denying Black folks a education just because they are not white. bs. they called the whole national guard for that. smh. but this even is very important to our history. same thing goes oxford Mississippi. that whole campus was mad over one black man on campus. its amazing how powerful black folks are.
I totally agree on blacks deserve education just like everyone else we are very powerful and they was scared about that
when they see our strength and power they get scared and go right to fight mode. In all reality they are very scared of us and what our minds can do. When e really something done it usually gets done and is amazing. I feel like they need to put their pride aside and let us shine