Category Archives: RACE

The Reagan and Bush Years: When The CIA Dumped Crack Cocaine into Black America

When A Guilty Verdict Brings No Justice: What Should Black America Say to Their Children About the Derek Chauvin Conviction?

Please join MRCi (Manhood, Race, and Culture Interactive) tonight (April 22, 2021) at 7:30 (EST) — 6:30 pm (CST) for an important program on addressing the recent guilty verdict in the trial of George Floyd’s murderer Derek Chauvin.

Among other things, we will examine how Black America should address this matter in a proactive manner? Does a guilty verdict satisfy our community and leave nothing else to be done on the issue of unjustified lethal law enforcement violence?

What should we do with the psychological damage that flows from the repeated unjustified murders of Black bodies in America?

How should we address these matters within our homes, particularly as it impacts our children and the young adults who rely on us for guidance and understanding?

We are inviting you to click this link to join us tonight for a riveting, intellectual session that seeks to answer these questions.

Please join us as we investigate this pressing matter.

The program begins tonight (Thursday April 22) at 7:30 (EST) — 6:30 pm (CST). Please click here to join us.

Meeting ID: 353 334 8869
Passcode: 1YF4BG