MRCi: The Biblical Foundations for Social Protest Activism

Tonight’s session of Manhood, Race, and Culture INTERACTIVE will feature Prairie View A&M University Alum Aaron Smith. Mr. Smith will lead an insightful presentation regarding does the Bible stand for or against the rising social activism that we are witnessing throughout our nation.  This presentation is timely because it sits at the cutting edge of the raging culture wars that are affecting this nation in venues as disparate from Sports to Religion.

Please join us tonight (August 6, 2020) at 7:30 EST /6:30 CST for a stimulating intellectual discussion regarding the roots of Race in America. We will discuss the above issues in yet another interactive Zoom meeting.

The Terrible Transformation

In the following video, you will see the experiences of the initial Africans to arrive in the British Mainland Colonies. Please pay attention to the world they entered and what their status and role was within it. As always, you are expected to leave your reflections/reaction to what you have viewed as well as leaving at least three comments to the viewpoints of others. Keep in mind, we are seeking to create a vibrant learning community that benefits all of us.

Slavery by Another Name

The following lecture addresses the attempts by former slave owners and their supporters to reinstitute slavery after the Civil War. After you view this video, you should leave a comment regarding not only what you learned but also any reactions that you have. Make sure that you interact with others as we seek to build a vibrant intellectual community for this course.

Committed to investigating, examining, and representing the African-American male, men, and manhood by offering commentary regarding the status of Black Men and Black Manhood as it relates to African-American Manhood, Race, Class, Politics, and Culture from an educated and authentic African-American perspective aimed at improving the plight of African-American men and African-American Manhood in regards to Politics, Culture, Education, and Social Matters.