Why the Introduction of Conspiracy Theories Amplifies the Dangers of Covid-19 for Black America

The moment that Idris Elba, a phenomenal actor I was initially introduced to as Stringer Bell on The Wire, was afflicted with the Coronavirus (Covid-19), my mind immediately reverted to Marcus Mosiah Garvey’s most poignant observations revealed about his prodigious travels abroad. According to the famed Pan-Africanist,

I don’t care where you go or what type of society you view. Our people are always the least educated, the poorest, own the least amount of land, and die the soonest.

When it became clear that the Coronavirus was going to have an unprecedented impact on this nation, I feared that Black America would receive at least a double-portion of the pain and misery flowing from this unexpected intruder.

My fears are buoyed by the information presented by medical professionals that the chronic medical issues affecting Black America lessen its chances of surviving Covid-19. Additionally, the members of our community are the most likely to be uninsured or possess the multiple variables needed to “shelter in place” for a significant period. I am saddened to write that it appears that Black Americans are perfectly positioned to receive a heaping portion of the negativity promised by the Coronavirus.   

Reasonable-minded African-Americans understand that Blacks are no different from other American populations in that we were devoid of a reliable defense against the looming pandemic. Unfortunately for reasonable-minded Blacks, their grounded understanding of such matters neither removed nor muted the ascension of a cadre of boastful, loud-mouth, and ill-informed Negroes who continued a well-worn pattern of propagating dim-witted statements that comfortably pass the threshold of outlandish conspiracy theories. Not even the following statement by Idris Elba served as a sufficient deterrent to the hair-brained conspiracy theories of a rambunctious few. According to Elba,

Black people, please, please, please understand that coronavirus, you can get it. There are so many stupid, ridiculous conspiracy theories about black people not being able to get it. That’s dumb, stupid. All right? That is the quickest way to get more black people killed.”

I intuitively realized that not even the pleadings of Stringer Bell were sufficient to beat back the tide of conspiracy theories whose replication mirrored that of Covid-19.

While Black medical professionals issued repeated warnings to our community, conspiracy theorists countered scientific advice via the internet to a frightened and unknowing community. A familiar refrain that authoritatively stated that Blacks could not contract Covid-19 due to melanin or a litany of other racial signifiers. Such advice worsened the survival chances of a community marred by a host of issues ranging from compromised housing, marginal economic status, and the usual challenges inextricably linked to Black socioeconomic marginality.

Instead of working to provide life-saving information to a frightened Black populace, the conspiracy theorists in our midst grasped for a few fleeting moments of semi-importance. It seems that every tragedy that befalls Black America is considered an opportunity by the least of us to stoke the embers of confusion and darkness. In many ways, it is inexcusable that at the very moment where light is desperately needed, conspiracy theorists flood our community with darkness. The time has come for conspiracy theorists to abandon ridiculous constructs and intricate lies that make them little more than conmen seeking to not only exploit others but also muting the voices of medical professionals who hold the keys to lessening the portion of misery and suffering befalling Black America.

I am sure that you are much like me in that I have had my fill of unnecessary pain, misery, and suffering. It is time that the conspiracy theorists in our midst are shunned and silenced “by any means necessary.”  

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture 2020.

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When Spreading “the Good News” Comes at Too High of a Cost: Understanding White Evangelicals Faustian Deal with Donald J. Trump

A recent Pew Research Center poll reveals that the foremost priority of White evangelicals is advancing their religiosity “by any means necessary.” Trust me when I say that nothing else matters to such folk. The alluded to seriousness has facilitated their agreement to what can be best termed a Faustian Deal that they believe allows them to spread “the Good News” in unprecedented ways; they’ve forgotten that the Devil always gets what’s due to him one way or another.

When White evangelicals were polled if they thought the term “morally upstanding” was an appropriate characterization of Donald J. Trump, 15% of them answered affirmatively, while 45% of like-minded individuals thought the characterization fit him “fairly well.” The perspective of White evangelicals stands at odds with the majority of Americans, 66% believe the above term fails to fit the embattled U.S. President.

White evangelicals appear motivated by a dubious set of beliefs that explain their draconian viewpoints and deplorable actions. According to White evangelicals,

  • America is a nation founded by “Whites.”
  • America is a nation founded on “Christian principles.”
  • America was founded to serve the interests of “Whites.”
  • The Holy Bible, meaning their interpretation of scripture, is the foundation of this nation.

The above beliefs form the tumultuous battlefield that political battles in this diversifying nation occur. Buoyed by a set of beliefs, philosophies, and conclusions that bolster their claims to ownership of this nation, White evangelicals are the very personification of the axiom that “all is fair in love and war.”

I will tell you that there was a time when I believed that White evangelicals were crazy; however, I eventually realized that they were merely following the footsteps of their ancestors by fanatically advancing a self-serving version of White Christian Nationalism. It is this realization that helped me realize that support for Donald J. Trump does not sit atop their priority list; despite their public espousal, even White evangelicals realize that Trump is morally challenged every moment of his life. That space is reserved for the championing of White Christian Nationalism.  Trump is merely an extraordinarily reliable tool that paves a path for the espousal of a White Christian Nationalist philosophy that serves as the most reliable means of extending white world supremacy.  

The same Pew Research poll mentioned above reported that the seemingly unbreakable tie binding White evangelicals to Trump were the unmistakable belief that they are currently winning the battle to spread a White Christian ethos under his administration. Of course, this is a stark reversal from an Obama administration that paved a path for the LGBTQ community to make tremendous strides toward center stage. The Pew survey reveals that 63% of White evangelical Protestants believe that they are “winning politically” under the Trump administration.

In many ways, it is ironic that as Americans reject Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Socialism for a greedy avaricious Capitalism, White evangelicals have grasped for religion in a way that reminds me of one of Karl Marx’s most reverberating observations. While larger cultural and economic forces stand as ominous threats to an increasing number of Americans, White evangelicals have predictably grasped for religion as their “balm in Gilead” to assuage all that is wrong with this nation. Marx summed up this moment when he wrote,

“Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.”

At the present moment, White evangelicals are the most acceptable voice of a larger White Nationalism movement whose foremost demand is that this nation addresses their needs before all others. If the alluded to population had their way, there would be no separation between “church and state.”

In fact, the sub-discourse behind Trump’s ascension proves that evangelicals of every Race/ethnicity want their President to serve as an advocate for Christian ethos and principles. The reality that Trump’s public stance is a charade matters little to White evangelicals.

Why should it?

After all, the goal of warring factions of Americans is to win the never-ending cultural wars that lead to an increase in politico-economic power. Despite the protestations of progressives, White evangelicals are not only winning under the Trump administration but also eager to provide the embattled President with a second term if it means a continuation of their “winning streak.” After all, any White Christian Nationalist will tell you that this nation was formed to serve the interests of Whites and no one else.

May God bless America!!!!!!  

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture 2020.

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It would be greatly appreciated if you would consider purchasing my book, “Foolish” Floyd: The Life & Times of an African-American Contrarian.

When None of the “Brothers” are Really “Brothers”: Why Jim Clyburn Needs to be Taken to Task for Calling Joe Biden “An Honorary Black Man”

Paul Mooney’s keen observation regarding Bill Clinton’s propensity to saddle himself with stereotypical “problems of a Black Man” was so striking that he was in actuality “America’s first Black President” that the joke has outlived its utility. As you well know, such poignant social commentary was common for the famed comedian. Mooney’s ability to address Race in an inventive way while providing piercing commentary regarding the gulf between Black life and Whites’ who possessed “the complexion for the protection” are indispensable within a nation that remains torn by racial dynamics that few dare to look at.

The matters of Race and political representation have arisen yet again as a result of failed Presidential hopeful Cory Booker shared that Congressman Jim Clyburn referred to Presidential hopeful Joe Biden as an “honorary Black man” during a Congressional Black Caucus meeting. Clyburn’s flawed perspective makes it painfully clear, yet again, that even those Black America has elected to represent them have an extremely limited understanding of Race. To the chagrin of politically astute Blacks, Black politicians such as Jim Clyburn are the primary reason that issues such as racial justice are never included in national debates. I realize that I am not the only person who after witnessing the alluded to figures ineptitude and cowardice accepts that nothing is to be expected from Black political leaders.

At a moment when equally astute and brave political leadership capable of speaking “truth to power” is needed, Jim Clyburn has “blackened-up” and performed as a modern-day Jim Crow; in fact, it is ironic that his first name is Jim. Make no mistake about it, Jim Clyburn’s present posture is one that has disregarded Black America in favor of being a tool for powerful White Democratic Party leaders such as Joe Biden.

Unfortunately for Black America, Jim Clyburn’s Black-faced vaudeville show avoids any acknowledgment of Joe Biden’s construction of the 1994 crime bill that paved the path for the incarceration of legions of African-Americans for minor drug offenses, not to mention his inexcusable behavior toward Anita Hill; of course, Biden has recently attempted to apologize for his antics — Hill refused to participate in the political charade by refusing to accept Biden’s words as being sincere. Yet, such a past has not prevented a growing band of Negroes ranging from public intellectuals to elected officials from “endorsing” lock them up, Joe Biden.

On second thought, maybe a decent argument could be made that Joe Biden is an “honorary Black man.” Consider for a moment that his Crime Bill and treatment of Anita Hill mirrors the hurt and harm that misguided Black men who have routinely worked against the liberation and salvation of the Black nation in favor of personal gain. It is sad that the damage that those endorsing Biden have done to working-class and poor Blacks in their daily dealings from legislative halls through social media appearances rests comfortably on the same shelf as the Biden constructed Crime Bill.

So, let me reverse course and take a moment to acknowledge the arrival of Joe “Crime Bill” Biden as a new “brother” who holds as little promise for uplifting Black America as other Black men such as Jim Clyburn. At least he fits with that crowd.

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture 2020.

I thank you and appreciate you visiting Manhood, Race, and Culture.

Are Black Politicians a Bigger Problem than White Moderates?: Reconsidering Dr. King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”

Experience has taught me how easy it is to get distracted from the “main thing” and mired in minutiae. The recent public spate between Hilary Rosen, a Democratic strategist, and Nina Turner, co-chair of Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, is such a moment. Just in case you missed it, the two battled on CNN regarding the applicability of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” to Joe Biden’s Presidential candidacy.  

Lost in the contentious feud was Dr. King’s tremendous intellectual offering. This is familiar terrain for Dr. King that resembles the muting of his political maturation by of all things, his “I Have A Dream Speech.”

No one should be surprised that Dr. King’s commentary in his “Letter From a Birmingham Jail” is as applicable today as it was the moment it was penned. According to Dr. King,

I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate.

I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says:

“I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.”

Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.

I have pondered over MLK’s words for decades and as the historical context changed, so did my understanding of this piece of history. As with most intellectual offerings, it is crucial that we revisit and reconsider them as context changes. As mentioned above, the role of White moderates such as Joe Biden in the political lives of Blacks has not changed much. Yet, some things have changed in regards to Black political realities.  

In some ways, it is shocking that Dr. King’s commentary that was aimed at the gradualism of sixties White moderates fits far too many of today’s Black political leaders. Consider the following assertion. Black political leaders have rejected Bernie Sanders’ calls for a radical redistribution of wealth in this nation because such matters would be appropriate for a “more convenient season.” Obviously contemporary Black leaders fit the description of those possessing what Dr. King termed “…a mythical concept of time…”

Today’s White moderates have been outdone in their calls for gradualism by a cadre of Black political leaders whose resistance to immediate change color them as Conservatives regarding such matters. The alluded to leaders appear undisturbed by the unfortunate reality that their inaction extends an all too familiar misery and suffering among their Black constituents; if one did not know any better they could be led to believe that Black political leaders have become comfortable in their present socioeconomic position.

There is neither rhyme nor reason that explains why Black political leaders from Michael Eric Dyson through Jim Clyburn are so strongly supporting Joe Biden. Could it be that they are sold on Biden’s penchant for eating Soul Food in a South Carolina “hole in the wall” or the fact that he served closely with Barack Hussein Obama? Not even his most strident supporters can effectively argue against the assertion that Biden’s most significant impact on Black America has been negative.

There is no reasonable explanation for the above political alterations within Black America. However, it is obvious that contemporary Black leaders are no longer feeling the immediate impact of grinding multi-generational poverty as the vast majority of their constituents. While Black political leaders enjoy the material accruements wrought by political careers where success is measured not in the delivery of racial justice but by significant increases in their financial wherewithal, poor Blacks remain mired in omnipresent misery and suffering. It is the “good life” that Black political leaders are enjoying on a daily basis that makes them hesitant to embrace an overthrow of inequality in this nation, even they realize that such a radical change would cost them their positions of privilege.

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture, 2020.

When The Chickens Come Home to Roost: The Poetic Justice Associated with the Coronavirus for American Elites

With the benefit of hindsight, I am sure that I got on my close friend Regina Alhassan’s last nerve by repeating the phrase “Maybe God is trying to tell you something.” My frequent use of that popular axiom was meant to serve as a not so subtle push that would result in her mustering the courage to become the entrepreneur that everyone except for her believed was her destiny.

Regina Alhassan is one of my closest female friends, we attended THE Ohio State University together and have managed to maintain our connection through the unpredictable twists-and-turns of life. At times we have been each other’s confidant, cheerleader, and critic. It was during one of these moments that called for harsh criticism that I expressed my foremost frustration with my dear friend. She, like the vast majority of people, placed unnecessary limits on herself that muted prodigious talents and genius for the stability offered by a job that enriched her employers immeasurably. This brilliant sister who is unrivaled as a fundraiser had long possessed an internal urge to break away and start her own business. I am sure that there were a legion of friends and family members who did their best to silence Regina’s self-doubt. I have no doubt that Regina tired of my constant refrain of “Maybe, God is trying to tell you something” when she accomplished a difficult task for her employer. Yet, I meant what I repeatedly stated. God, in his own way, had told Regina for the longest time that it was time for her to become an entrepreneur.

Although I am sure that God loves Regina Alhassan, I do not for a second believe that he loves her so much that he only speaks to her. He certainly speaks to the rest of the world on a continuous basis. As for myself, one of the things that God has repeatedly emphasized to me is the belief that “We (humans) are inextricably linked with one another.”

The arrival of COVID-19 aka coronavirus that has infected over 95,000 people and killed 3,200 is yet another reminder that “We are inextricably linked with each other.”

Domestically, there have been nearly 250 cases with 17 deaths attributed to the coronavirus. The following states have all reported cases of the virus that many fear will become a pandemic: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin.

For me, these developments birth an understandable question of “What is God trying to tell humans?

I believe that the message is that “You are all inextricably linked.”

It is ironic that Americans who during advantageous moments promote the “inalienable rights” that Thomas Jefferson highlighted in the Declaration of Independence frequently resist the notion that at its best, America serves the interests of its citizenry. Despite their stern protestations, it is impossible to effectively argue that their resistance to universal healthcare plan is a parcel of the U.S. government serving its citizens’ best interests. From my perspective, it is this failure to realize that “We are all inextricably linked” that has created the cavernous opening being exploited by the coronavirus.

This moment appears to be the perfect storm to produce untold damage not only within this nation, but also around the globe. Consider for a moment what the absence of universal healthcare means for poor and working-class Americans. In the event that they do become infected, they will go undiagnosed.

I am sure that you are wondering “How does this impact the lives of others?”

Well, when poor and working-class people are sick, they tend to resist calling off of work and missing a much-needed paycheck; they simply cannot afford to do so as they are the working poor who are already “living paycheck to paycheck.” This desperation to secure money threatens to expose untold others to the virus. Despite what American elites may think, history reveals that their financial status will not protect them from this virus. In fact, the virus may be personally delivered to their kitchen or bedroom by servants whose sole function is to serve their financial superiors.

I have little doubt that “God is trying to tell us something.” And no faith that Americans’ as a whole are listening to the admonishments. Instead of heeding God’s warning regarding the dangers inherent in humans not taking care of each other, far too many American elites behave as if their kind are protected from such things.

What a silly and foolish people they are proving to be by their inability to recognize when the chickens come home to roost.

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture 2020.

I thank you and appreciate you visiting Manhood, Race, and Culture.

If you enjoy the content that you find here at Manhood, Race, and Culture.

It would be greatly appreciated if you would consider purchasing my book, “Foolish” Floyd: The Life & Times of an African-American Contrarian.

Committed to investigating, examining, and representing the African-American male, men, and manhood by offering commentary regarding the status of Black Men and Black Manhood as it relates to African-American Manhood, Race, Class, Politics, and Culture from an educated and authentic African-American perspective aimed at improving the plight of African-American men and African-American Manhood in regards to Politics, Culture, Education, and Social Matters.