A Low Down Dirty Shame: How “Super Tuesday” Proves Yet Again that Black Political Leaders Know Nothing About Political Strategy

The most predictable aspect of politics is ironically found in its unpredictability. Every political season is filled with twists-and-turns that seasoned political pundits cannot predict with certainty. The alluded to uncertainty and aura of mystery has proven true for all American groups, except for one, Blacks.

In the wake of the recent “Super Tuesday” that witnessed Bernie Sanders being surpassed by ol’ reliable Joe Biden, one is left in awe at the means that the Democratic establishment has been able to once again mount the backs of Blacks and alter the political winds. To their shame, Black voters are holding true to a well-worn pattern of following the dictates of do-nothing political leaders who accentuate nonsensical political cues that mean nothing significant.

Consider for a moment that Joe Biden’s political fortunes were instantaneously reversed by that old Black Magic conjured by Democratic Party Congressman Jim Clyburn.

Clyburn appeared in front of Black South Carolinians in a manner that reminded me of the house Negro that Malcolm X made infamous and delivered an impassioned plea to remind his people that Joe is one of us. Joe eats that good ol’ South Carolina soul food. Joe has been our friend, pay no attention to his prior transgressions when he didn’t need Black America’s support. Much like Bill Clinton, Joe is an honorary Negro. Clyburn all but told Black South Carolinians to not let their feeble Black minds slip to a point that they forget that Joe worked with Barack Obama.

Put simply; Joe is one of us!!!!!!!!!

Noticeably missing from such persuasive speeches is the articulation of a single policy, initiative, or serious desire that ol’ Joe has in mind to aid Black America. Yes, I am speaking about the same Joe Biden whose debate performances were troublesome due to his inability to explain away statements and policies that displayed an undeniable strain of racial bigotry that not even the Negroes of the Congressional Black Caucus have been able to explain.

If what we are witnessing at the present moment occurred in the mean streets of America, Black America would be little more than a “two-dollar hoe” whose goods are readily available and easily had by anyone with a bit of change in their pocket. The rush to serve a figure such as Joe Biden portrays Black America as a woman afflicted with such low self-esteem that her singular purpose appears to be currying favor with the very men who degrade and disrespect her as an integral part of their favorite pastime. Nevertheless, she services their immoral needs for a pittance.

When one considers that Joe Biden’s path to Lazarus status was made possible by the Blacks of South Carolina, North Carolina (he beat Sanders by 40 points in this state), and Virginia (he beat Sanders by 55 points in this state). The most reasonable question that political rivals should be asking Biden is the following one.

“What did those Black votes cost you? I know that you had to give away the farm.”

I am certain that Biden would smile at the question and respond with the following quip.

“That’s the thing about Blacks. They want you to show up at a few events, such as a church, sit down and eat a bit of soul food, and just tell them that you are on their side. They are ‘salt of the Earth’ type of people who want nothing more than to please. If you truly knew the Blacks, you would understand that they prefer symbolism over substance, sizzle instead of steak, and that is the reason I didn’t offer any concessions to them. And I guarantee you that me not doing anything for them will not cause them to abandon me during my re-election effort. What choice do they have? Trump? C’mon, give me a break!!!!!”   

If it is true that a people are known by their previous actions, I am afraid that Black America, particularly its politicians, are woefully ignorant regarding how to leverage their crucial status as the bedrock of the Democratic Party. It is pastime for Black America to become politically astute and savvy, unfortunately, not even Black political leaders possess this ability. Most disturbing is the predictable reality that these failures are not likely to change anytime soon, just ask ol’ Joe. He knows our people better than we do.

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture 2020.

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Who Is To Blame For The Devolution of American Politics

If it is true that “the pursuit of money” was the root of all evil during Biblical times, it stands to reason that in the new millennium that “the desire to win the Presidency” is the root of all evil.

Let me forthrightly state that during the last election, I did not believe that either the Republican (Trump) or Democratic (Clinton) candidate was worthy of my vote. Considering the poor voter turnout, the majority of Americans agreed with my position. Yet, millions of Americans cast their ballot for what can be comfortably termed the least of these Presidential candidates. Somewhere along the way, those on “the Left” and “the Rights” muted their moral compass and any semblance of common sense to participate in an unprecedented political circus filled with clowns and all.

I was recently accosted by an individual whose foremost desire was to place me in a political box that would allow him to “know who he was talking to.” He engaged me in a rather stupid political version of twenty questions that reduced to the following exchange.

Do you believe that abortion is wrong?

I responded, “I do.”   

So you are a Christian?

I did not respond to this question.

So, if you are religious, you must be a Conservative.”

This poor scrap of a human being thought that he had me figured out. However, his conclusions were thrown off when I shared the following.

My understanding of scripture makes gross economic inequality as sinful on the soul of a nation as abortion, rape, murder, institutionalized racism, and every other sin you could imagine.

I was not surprised when a puzzled look appeared on the countenance of this middle-aged man. Apparently, my response did not fit into his narrow expectations.

I have come to expect such a response from Trump supporters whose unquenchable desire to win political debates seemingly short-circuits their varying levels of common sense. In their rush to advance an argument that Jesus was guided by unprecedented morality, these foolish people trample a host of other teachings that do not aid their arrival at a self-advantageous destination.

During a long-ago political discussion (actually it wasn’t that long ago as it occurred during Obama’s Presidency) I found myself discussing the positives and negatives of the Obama administration. I realized that the other discussants were “fans of Obama” and unwilling to critique his policies and decision-making process. In their world, Obama could do no wrong. Although they will never accept this reality, however, their unconditional support of Obama was just as dangerous as what we are seeing today from Trump supporters.

There is no room to debate that somewhere along the path of political life Americans have lost track of larger issues and chosen to root for political parties and leaders as if they were sports franchises. If only we could push a reset button and start over.

At the present moment, there are droves of individuals on “the Left” who are carrying hopes that an unprecedented voter turnout in the 2020 election will help defeat their arch-rival. Unfortunately for such thinkers, even if Trump is removed from office, the undeniable reality that can be best termed “the desire to win” will remain and Americans of all creeds and color will continue what amounts to a domestic “Cold War” with no end in sight.

God, I hope that I am incorrect, but I know that I am not.

Dr. James Thomas Jones III        

© Manhood, Race, and Culture 2020.

I thank you and appreciate you visiting Manhood, Race, and Culture.

If you enjoy the content that you find here at Manhood, Race, and Culture.

It would be greatly appreciated if you would consider purchasing my book, Foolish” Floyd: The Life & Times of an African-American Contrarian.

How Black America Can Reverse The Deplorable Tradition of Black Students Disengagement from Black Writers

From the moment that African-American Studies Literature Professor Dr. William Maurice Shipley uttered the question of

Don’t you have your own traditions and stories? Or will you simply rest on the creativity and imagination of Europeans?

I realized the unbridled power the piercing inquisition held.

Dr. Shipley’s inquiry was a recitation of a similar call poised by W.E.B. Du Bois and Marcus Garvey to Black writers, musicians, and artists who would create a glorious era that historians today term the Harlem Renaissance. This call to arms remains for Black writers, musicians, and artists to this day.

As an African-American Studies Professor, I cannot tell you how disenchanting it is to encounter students whose limited exposure to books, thoughts, and ideas can be traced to haphazardly created reading lists that are absent every Black writer. Making matters worse is the reality that if these students were left to their own devices that they would not have engaged a single Black writer. Hence, it is understandable when not a single student of mine has ever heard, let alone engaged the works of any of the following writers.

  • Richard Wright
  • Toni Morrison
  • Walter Mosley
  • Alice Walker
  • James Baldwin
  • J. California Cooper

Obviously, my sadness and disappointment at this deplorable situation will never address this issue.  

I will not spend this space addressing indefensible “school reading lists” devoid of a single Black writer. I’ll leave such tasks to others who choose to waste their time arguing with foolish educators. Better use of this space and my time is the issuing of potential solutions to address the systematic erasure of Black writers from the alluded to “reading lists.”

My path is a straight one whose success hinges on the involvement of parents and the larger Black community; please understand that this issue, along with so many others, requires neither White approval nor participation.

While addressing the plight of young Black males, noted educator Jawanza Kunjufu posited that “What you do the most you will do the best.” In many ways, Kunjufu’s observation refutes the familiar refrain that there is something intrinsically wrong with the minds of Black children and shifts the narrative toward a more productive argument that our youth must turn their attention toward academics versus narrower paths of success such as sports and entertainment.

Kunjufu’s succinct assertion explains why professional sports leagues such as the NBA and NFL are predominantly Black. There is no room to debate that historically it has been the sports arena where Black youth have spent the bulk of their time. It therefore makes sense that it is what they “do the best.” Although many bemoan the concentration of Blacks in the sports and entertainment industries, such criticism blocks a silver-lining regarding this matter. A person devoid of the baggage of bigotry will realize that success in that arena definitively proves that Black excellence is possible against even the extremest of odds.

When one considers that Black youth are no different from others in the following way. They have been gifted with various interests and abilities that need to be planted, nurtured, and eventually harvested by a loving community. There is no more assured path to the success desired for Black children than their immersion in the works of Black writers who have illuminated a glorious past and point toward a yet to be written future.

Towards developing the minds of Black children, it is imperative that every Black parent develops a reading list of Black literature for their children and actively participates in the reading process. I can attest that such is the path to producing lifetime readers possessing an inextinguishable intellectual curiosity.

If nothing else, the inundating of Black schoolchildren with Black writers will save educators such as myself from moments where we wonder if we are making any progress in this uphill battle to uplift Black America via education.

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture, 2020.    

Committed to investigating, examining, and representing the African-American male, men, and manhood by offering commentary regarding the status of Black Men and Black Manhood as it relates to African-American Manhood, Race, Class, Politics, and Culture from an educated and authentic African-American perspective aimed at improving the plight of African-American men and African-American Manhood in regards to Politics, Culture, Education, and Social Matters.