Tag Archives: African-American Males

Are Black heterosexual males in the worst position of all American groups?: A MRCi Discussion About Manhood, Masculinity, Race, and Gender

Tonight’s MRCi discussion will cover the question of “Are Black heterosexual males been losing the most ground to other groups in the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of property?” As always, you are welcome to join us as we delve into what many still believe is a taboo subject matter among Black men.

MRCi discussions occur every Thursday @ 7:30 (EST) – 6:30 (CST). Click on the link below to join our intellectual community.

Join us as we discuss pressing matters facing and impacting Black Men and Black America.

If you can not get the link to work, use the information to join the Zoom session.

Meeting ID: 353 334 8869
Passcode: 1YF4BG

Stating The Case for African-American Male Studies

Feel free to join MRCi (Manhood, Race, and Culture Interactive) tonight (June 10, 2021) at 7:30 (EST) — 6:30 pm (CST) for a much-needed discussion titled Stating The Case for African-American Male Studies for the Entire Nation.

Tonight’s discussion will focus on the essential nature of African-American Male Studies to both Black America and the entire nation?


Join us as we investigate this pressing matter of Black men.

The program begins tonight (Thursday, June 10th) at 7:30 (EST) — 6:30 pm (CST). Click here to access the meeting or use the information listed below.

Meeting ID: 353 334 8869
Passcode: 1YF4BG