Tag Archives: Charles Hamilton Houston

A Shameless Motley Crew: How the Absence of Morality is Fully Displayed Yet Again by Republican Senators

Fifty-five years ago, Thurgood Marshall, a top General in Charles Hamilton Houston’s brigade of young Black civil rights attorney whose victories across the South reminds the historically literate of General Ulysses S. Grant’s scorched Earth policy throughout Confederate lands, sat through Senate confirmation hearings to become this nation’s first Black Supreme Court Justice.

During an extremely contentious hearing over fifty years ago, a group of White segregationist Senators did their best to stir up constituents’ fears by evoking the imagery of Black Civil Rights and Black Power activists battling White law enforcement officers seeking to prevent a violent revolutionary overthrow of America. Even the politically unsophisticated were capable of recognizing the insinuation that if Thurgood Marshall, a relatively Conservative Black man in his own right, were confirmed that anarchy would reign in American streets.

The unfair characterization of Marshall was not the subtle “dog whistle” that many term such moments. Public attacks on Marshall were unfair intentional mischaracterizations of a man who had served as one of Charles Hamilton Houston’s foremost “levers for social justice.” Over half of a century ago it was Thurgood Marshall being raked over the coals by ardent segregationists via an argument tailored to stoke White folks irrational fears, today it is Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson being dragged over similar coals by a more sophisticated yet equally evil intentioned cadre of Republican Senators.

Yesteryear, White segregationist Senators argued that if Justice Marshall were confirmed, the White man would no longer stand a chance in a nation founded by their ancestors. Today, a slicker talking yet similarly intentioned cadre of White Senators are doing their best to evoke thoughts among their supporters that if Judge Jackson, the princess of Critical Race Theory and pedophilia according to the alluded Senators, is confirmed White society is doomed.

I am sure that you understand my refusal to rehash the demonically inspired intentions and words of U.S. Senators Cruz (R-Texas), Cotton (R-Arkansas), and Blackburn (R-Tennessee) in this brief space. Trust me when I say that volumes could be written about these individuals who are devoid of an ounce of logic, honesty, or credibility. I long ago decided that I would no longer participate in discussions that hold as much promise as talking to the wind.

Yet, I have tired of the lackadaisical manner that Democratic Party leaders respond to the never-ending attacks of a segment of the Republican Party that do not even seek to hide their racial bigotry. These Republican political leaders such as Rafael Edward Cruz aka ‘Ted’ Cruz are interested in nothing more than the continuation of far too lengthy political careers. Things have gotten so bad that in regards to the spineless Rafael Edward Cruz that it would be no stretch for one to hear the following conversation.

  • Person A: “Did you hear what Cruz believes?”
  • Person B: “No, I haven’t spoken to him in the last hour.”

Unfortunately, in America, the racism virus that breeds irrational thoughts and fears has infected a sizable portion of our White countrymen and caused them to consider any semblance of the sharing of politico-economic power to be a significant threat to their privileged status. Last year that threat was the Black Lives Matter Movement, this year it has been the ominous threat posed by Critical Race Theory, at the present moment it is the looming confirmation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson; only the Lord knows what the next fabricated threat will be.

The time has come for Democratic Party leaders, yes, that means both members of the Congressional Black Caucus and their White colleagues to take a bold step forward with well-deserved counter-attacks against political opponents that highlight their devotion to racial bigotry. Such a pro-active strategy is bound to be more effective than the silence so many of our elected officials substitute for substantive political strategy and leadership.

Make no mistake about it, America is at war with itself, however, the lines of war are less about Race and more so about those who believe that the creeds of this nation should apply to all citizens versus those who do not.

Which side will our democratically elected political officials support?

James Thomas Jones III, Ph.D.

©Manhood, Race, and Culture, 2022


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