Please join MRCi for our first-ever focus group tonight November 12 (Thursday) @ 7:30 EST //// 6:30 CST by clicking here. Dr. Kenyatta Phelps will head a focus group seeking answers surrounding what is the process that Black Men undergo while pursuing a Doctoral Degree.

Please join us tonight — November 12 (Thursday) @ 7:30 est //// 6:30 cst — to aid this scholar as she seeks answers to this very important issue by clicking here.
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Committed to investigating, examining, and representing the African-American male, men, and manhood by offering commentary regarding the status of Black Men and Black Manhood as it relates to African-American Manhood, Race, Class, Politics, and Culture from an educated and authentic African-American perspective aimed at improving the plight of African-American men and African-American Manhood in regards to Politics, Culture, Education, and Social Matters.