Tag Archives: Richard Wright

Why White America is Responsible for the Lynching of George Floyd and What They Can Do About It


The above word is the first line of Richard Wright’s novel, Native Son. The famed Chicago Renaissance writer intended for the ringing alarm clock to serve the purpose that all alarm clocks serve, to wake this nation up. From Wright’s perspective, America needed to be awaken to its Race problem.

Although significant by itself, Wright’s Native Son is only one of a series of bridges that highlight America’s great tradition of racial bigotry. The resistance of David Walker’s Appeal, Frederick Douglass’ admonishments during a Fourth of July presentation, Anna Julia Cooper’s lamentations from the South, W.E.B. DuBois’ prophetic warning that “the problem of the 20th Century will be the color line” and a series of deaths all serve as reminders of America’s horrific history of racial animosity. The alluded to bridges have led us to the murder of George Floyd by so-called law enforcement officers who were deemed fit for employment by the Minneapolis Police Department.

Americans are no different from other groups in their desire to embrace traditions that portray them in a favorable light and distance themselves from grander traditions that depict them in a negative, yet accurate light. An unbiased review of the American historical record reveals White America as a collective of greedy, avaricious, ends-justify-the-means, racial bigots who have little problem turning a blind-eye toward genocide if it serves a larger purpose.

This consistent inconsistency is nothing new.

There is no greater depiction of America’s character than the following litany offered by Frederick Douglass nearly two-hundred years ago. Douglass characterized this nation in the following manner.

There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices, more shocking and bloody, than are the people of these United States, at this very hour. Go where you may, search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and despotisms of the old world, travel through South America, search out every abuse, and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the every day practices of this nation, and you will say with me, that, for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without a rival.

The murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police Department officers in front of an attentive public is yet another reminder that Douglass’ words still ring true.

The optimistic side of me hopes that Douglass’ words will activate White America to take a serious look at its soul. A soul that has been formed in the midst of centuries of unconscionable acts of hatred, racial bigotry, and tyrannical rule.

Let me be clear on this matter, the genesis of America’s Race problem began with White America and the solution to it will come from that community as well. There are only two reasonable paths that Whites can take to achieve the above goal. They can either aid in the total destruction of Black America or turn inward with the full intention of executing a intra-racial Civil War designed to exterminate unsavory portions of their community. A process that would call for them to address the bigotry of close family members, political leaders, and associates. It is obvious that there is no way that White bigots and Blacks are going to ever peacefully coexist within the same country.

I resist with every fiber of my being the white rage that leads so many of my Black countrymen to view Whites’ as a monolithic population whose foremost priority is the extermination of Blacks. My personal experience prevents me from embracing this daunting perspective. Yet, I am firmly entrenched in the belief that the only population capable of stomping out America’s grand tradition of racial bigotry and hatred is White America. Put simply; it is time that White America regulated its own citizens as there are segments of White America that are impenetrable to outsiders.

I am certain that it is within these socialization centers where the most virulent racial bigots are created by a daunting narrative that masquerades the evil-doings of White heroes and heroines for the extension of White privilege. This can only be eradicated by our White countrymen. The failure of White America to get its house in order makes the public lynching of Black men such as George Floyd an inevitability.

The ability to end racial bigotry and the cascade of ills that flow from it is found within a White America whose power and privilege rests on its existence. Trust me when I say that the alluded to conundrum is not new. It is the same issue that faced abolitionists William Lloyd Garrison and John Brown. I hope that White America will realize it and get busy cleaning their own house; however, I have little hope that they will.

After all, racial tyranny is one of their grandest traditions and its destruction will come at a steep cost that I am unsure that they are willing to pay for the sake of freedom, liberty, and justice.

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture 2020.

How Black America Can Reverse The Deplorable Tradition of Black Students Disengagement from Black Writers

From the moment that African-American Studies Literature Professor Dr. William Maurice Shipley uttered the question of

Don’t you have your own traditions and stories? Or will you simply rest on the creativity and imagination of Europeans?

I realized the unbridled power the piercing inquisition held.

Dr. Shipley’s inquiry was a recitation of a similar call poised by W.E.B. Du Bois and Marcus Garvey to Black writers, musicians, and artists who would create a glorious era that historians today term the Harlem Renaissance. This call to arms remains for Black writers, musicians, and artists to this day.

As an African-American Studies Professor, I cannot tell you how disenchanting it is to encounter students whose limited exposure to books, thoughts, and ideas can be traced to haphazardly created reading lists that are absent every Black writer. Making matters worse is the reality that if these students were left to their own devices that they would not have engaged a single Black writer. Hence, it is understandable when not a single student of mine has ever heard, let alone engaged the works of any of the following writers.

  • Richard Wright
  • Toni Morrison
  • Walter Mosley
  • Alice Walker
  • James Baldwin
  • J. California Cooper

Obviously, my sadness and disappointment at this deplorable situation will never address this issue.  

I will not spend this space addressing indefensible “school reading lists” devoid of a single Black writer. I’ll leave such tasks to others who choose to waste their time arguing with foolish educators. Better use of this space and my time is the issuing of potential solutions to address the systematic erasure of Black writers from the alluded to “reading lists.”

My path is a straight one whose success hinges on the involvement of parents and the larger Black community; please understand that this issue, along with so many others, requires neither White approval nor participation.

While addressing the plight of young Black males, noted educator Jawanza Kunjufu posited that “What you do the most you will do the best.” In many ways, Kunjufu’s observation refutes the familiar refrain that there is something intrinsically wrong with the minds of Black children and shifts the narrative toward a more productive argument that our youth must turn their attention toward academics versus narrower paths of success such as sports and entertainment.

Kunjufu’s succinct assertion explains why professional sports leagues such as the NBA and NFL are predominantly Black. There is no room to debate that historically it has been the sports arena where Black youth have spent the bulk of their time. It therefore makes sense that it is what they “do the best.” Although many bemoan the concentration of Blacks in the sports and entertainment industries, such criticism blocks a silver-lining regarding this matter. A person devoid of the baggage of bigotry will realize that success in that arena definitively proves that Black excellence is possible against even the extremest of odds.

When one considers that Black youth are no different from others in the following way. They have been gifted with various interests and abilities that need to be planted, nurtured, and eventually harvested by a loving community. There is no more assured path to the success desired for Black children than their immersion in the works of Black writers who have illuminated a glorious past and point toward a yet to be written future.

Towards developing the minds of Black children, it is imperative that every Black parent develops a reading list of Black literature for their children and actively participates in the reading process. I can attest that such is the path to producing lifetime readers possessing an inextinguishable intellectual curiosity.

If nothing else, the inundating of Black schoolchildren with Black writers will save educators such as myself from moments where we wonder if we are making any progress in this uphill battle to uplift Black America via education.

Dr. James Thomas Jones III

© Manhood, Race, and Culture, 2020.